R Packages
I enjoy creating handy R packages to speed up and support my (and colleagues’) analyses. Also, I am working with Janina Esser on an R package to facilitate the learning outcome of statistics courses we offer.

The CFBSr package was created to compute continuous frequency band summary data from sound and TextGrid files. Find further information on GitHub.
Schmitz, Dominic. (2024). CFBSr: Create Continuous Frequency Band Summaries from Sound and TextGrid Files. R package version 0.3.0. URL: https://github.com/dosc91/CFBSr

The gdsm package was created for the Grundlagen der Distributionellen Semantik workshop. Find further information on GitHub.
Schmitz, Dominic & Schneider, Viktoria. (2022). gdsm: General functions for Distributional SeMantics. R package version 0.2. URL: https://github.com/dosc91/gdsm

The mtqgam package was created to simplify working with mouse-tracking data in QGAMs. Find further information on GitHub.
Schmitz, Dominic. (2021). mtqgam: Mouse-Tracking Data in QGAMs. R package version 0.5.2. URL: https://github.com/dosc91/mtqgam

The SfL package was created for the Statistics for Linguistics workshop. It includes some handy functions, but most importantly installs all necessary packages and contains exercise files. Find further information on GitHub.
Schmitz, Dominic & Esser, Janina. (2021). SfL: Statistics for Linguistics. R package version 0.4.2. URL: https://github.com/dosc91/SfL

An R package offering functions for measure computation, extraction, and other handy stuff when working with LDL. Find further information on GitHub. Note that I no longer encourage the implementation of LDL in R. Instead, please use the JudiLing package and the JudiLingMeasures package in Julia for functions offered by LDLConvFunctions and a great variety of improved options.
Schmitz, Dominic. (2021). LDLConvFunctions: Functions for measure computation, extraction, and other handy stuff. R package version URL: https://github.com/dosc91/LDLConvFunctions